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5 Things To Know About Martin Luther King Jr.

20th century civil rights Jan 16, 2024

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#1 Family

Martin Luther King Jr. was born January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He was born into a good middle class family. Both of his parents were college educated. His father and grandfather were both Baptist ministers. He had a good childhood with a loving extended family and church life. He would go on to marry Corretta Scott in 1953 and they would have 4 children together.


#2 Education

Martin Luther King Jr. was an excellent student growing up. King was able to take advantage of a special wartime program to boost enrollment and attended Moorehouse college at the age of 15. He studied medicine and the law before switching the ministry his senior year. After graduating in 1948, he would go on to divinity school at Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania and then to Boston University for his doctorate. 


#3 Montgomery Bus Protest

After Rosa Parks was arrested in Montgomery Alabama...

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